Sun, Hikes, and Good People
Hi beloved people! God is so good. That is really all I have to say right now. I thank Him so much for the work he is doing here this summer. I have seen His hand so clearly in Eagle River, in my life, and in the lives of those around me. I have been thinking a lot about identity lately, because my own sense of identity has been shifting and changing. I have reflected on the truth of who I am, and that has changed my life drastically. There is nothing more valuable than discovering how God sees us, and what our true identity is. The truth is this: I am the daughter of God Almighty, the King, my Father who loves me. You are the son/daughter of God Almighty, the KING, your Father, who loves you. That is our identity first and foremost. Royalty. The inheritance of God is ours. What would it look like for us to walk in that reality, that we are princes and princesses? Royalty? Sons and daughters of the creator of the world? As far as ministry here in Eagle River goes, things have be